Tahuariki Ross

Ko Tainui te waka

Ko Waikato te awa

Ko Maungkawa te maunga

Ko Ngāti Haua te Iwi

Ko Ngāti Werewere te Hapu

Ko Kai-a-te-Mata te Marae

Ko Tahuariki Ahau

Kia Ora my name is Tahu and I am from the Hutt Valley. I am currently studying towards a postgraduate diploma in Environmental Science at the University of Canterbury after completing my Bachelor of Science majoring in Physics at Otago, in my spare time I like to play basketball for my local club as well as go surfing whenever the weather is nice. 

I am confident in tutoring Physics up to level 3 as well as lower levels of all the sciences and Maths up to Level 2, I also have the experience of going through the challenging health science program at Otago and getting accepted in the medical school so am able to give tips and tricks to help prepare for the different learning experience of University.


Henrietta Osborne


Tristin Rogers